One of my favorite sandwiches, a (t)BLT club. Tempeh Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato with vegan mayo on toast. Tempeh bacon has zero cholesterol and just a couple grams of fat unlike animal flesh bacon.

I posted a list of my favorite vegan convenient foods and staples, like this tempeh bacon from the Tofurky company, These are great items and staples that can help you transition to veganism and start reducing your animal consumption immediately. I give buying the best quality, organic whole foods and cooking as much as I can from scratch a priority in my life, mostly for the health of my family. It does require sacrifice, but this was not always possible for me and not always a concern. I know having the time and resources to do this now is a privilege. Not everyone has time to plan ahead an soak nuts for hours, let alone buy organic raw cashews, drive around to multiple stores and markets, or even wants to!

My goal is to help people become vegan. I don’t care what you eat, I care WHO you eat. I care more about animal justice than pretty food but I do like that they can co-exist so nicely. So if there are any recipes or foods you’d like me to share to help you make the transition to veganism, please don’t hesitate to ask. Let me know what veganized things you would like to see or let me answer your vegan-curious questions. The end goal should always be veganism as the moral baseline. Check out my list, what changes can you make right now to live more vegan than you are?
