While VegNews magazine is fabulous, I’m really drawn to the vegan publications that go beyond typical vegan news and recipes. Along with Chickpea Magazine, another one I adore is Driftwood: “travel and culture for the graduated vegan“. Only my favorite things for my favorite demographic. I genuinely love supporting vegan-owned businesses especially those who use creative outlets as their form of activism. There’s something really comforting knowing I can flip through any page and not have to mentally edit out non-vegan offenders. It’s almost as if I can disappear in a completely vegan world for a moment. Take a look at this stunning cover for the their 3rd issue. I am shamelessly encouraging everyone to hurry up and get a subscription, or buy an issue individually, so you can see my contribution in issue 4. You can peep a little preview on the inside of the back cover of issue 3. Even if not for my article, and possibly in spite of my article, it is a magazine worth having on your coffee table and it will be supporting good folks.
Brands I Love
I am in the space where I’m working hard to be more mindful with my consumerism and working towards a minimalist life. It’s a slow work in progress after years of society conditioning us to think more is more and we aren’t our best selves without the latest and greatest. I’m trading ownership and materialism for experiences. I hope to see this shift become mainstream in the world and happier people because of it. With that said, there are genuinely products and brands from companies bringing veganism into the spot light by offering cruelty-free products and alternatives, sharing the same values, that I want to recognize when I do make a more thoughtful purchase. I will always disclose sponsored posts and never promote anything that I do not thoroughly use and enjoy and everything will always be cruelty-free.
The Return of the Relay Foods Spring Bounty Share

The version of me that exists in my head is one where I can spend a week on a tropical island and come back rejuvenated and ready to tackle any task at hand. I’ll immediately put away the suitcases upon my arrival right before heading out to the local market to replenish our stockpile of […]
Brands I Love: The Soap Market

{While this sounds like a sponsored post – this was originally written for another site elsewhere but was never published and why waste all that work when it’s a product I really love? The Soap Market’s candles are too good not to mention under Brands I love and their body butters are downright dreamy.) Clean Skin with […]