
Is it ever really summer without lemonade? Or cherries for that matter? Truth be told, I hardly ever have lemonade anymore because I am too busy trying to get in my gallon of water a day or drinking a morning smoothie. I really try to watch my sugar intake because it makes me feel so […]

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A delicious burger night can come together in a pinch with Gardein products like their veggie burger. You can also use their black bean burger or their meatless beef patty. Top it with avocado and sriracha mayo as shown here and serve on a sesame seed bun with a side of grilled smoked paprika potatoes. […]

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Sunday’s family breakfast sundaes – chocolate nicecream with whipped topping, chocolate sauce, salted caramel sauce, chopped nuts, shredded coconut, and a cherry on top. Everything was made from nothing but fruit and nuts, and refined sugar-free. A touch of maple syrup in the chocolate sauce is as nefarious as it got and no animals were […]

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It was a dreadfully rainy day so I thought that called for stone fruit galettes. Peach and cherry almond that obviously won’t last long. I followed the recipe on Food 52 for the crust but substituted Earth Balance vegan butter sticks, I used 2 sticks with 2 ½ cups of flour. Once the crust was prepared […]

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We’ve been hooked since my first batch of veganized fudge pops but I just don’t like the way refined sugar effects me and the thought of giving it to my son with any regularity, just doesn’t sit right. I want to indulge but not hate myself afterwards and I like having treats in the house […]

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Just a light lunch: Grilled CHAO cheese with Oh She Glows tomato bisque (from the cookbook) sprinkled with homemade parm. Cheese on cheese. Being vegan doesn’t have to be hard, see my list of favorite vegan convenience foods. No need to give up the comforts you enjoy, they’ve been veganized! 

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Just a few years ago, I only knew how to do two things in the kitchen: preheat an oven for frozen pizza and whip up the best boxed macaroni and cheese. I could combine that pasta with the orange powdered concoction like nobody’s business. But I recently remembered a time back then that I had […]

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Tofu, man. My relationship with the stuff has done a 180 over the years. It was one of those things that during my pre-vegan days, I just couldn’t stomach the texture, even if it was crispy fried or small unnoticeable bits in something like Pad Thai. I think a good portion of that was due […]

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You’ll quickly notice a theme with my smoothies, and that they are all remakes of really decadent desserts. I have a sweet tooth that just won’t quit so I found a loophole to satisfy those cravings without feeling terrible immediately afterwards, both physically and mentally. I find this one reminds me of brownie batter right […]

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One of my favorite sandwiches, a (t)BLT club. Tempeh Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato with vegan mayo on toast. Tempeh bacon has zero cholesterol and just a couple grams of fat unlike animal flesh bacon. I posted a list of my favorite vegan convenient foods and staples, like this tempeh bacon from the Tofurky company, These […]

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